
The Best 5 Exercises for a Full-Body Workout

If you thought that your hectic lifestyle prevents you from building a kick-ass body, think again. The simple solution to your dilemma is full-body workout and compound movements. The full-body workout is simple because it trains your entire body in one workout. This style of workout will quickly build your muscle mass, increase power and endurance while strengthening your body as a whole. This is because of the compound movements that hit numerous muscle groups as you perform multi-joint movements through a range of motion.  Here are 5 awesome compound movements to get you in superior shape without spending hours...

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Top 5 Things to Look for When Choosing a Gym

Finding the right gym that fits your own unique personality, and motivates you to return again and again is an important decision that requires a bit of a research, whether that be asking your friends for recommendations, reading online reviews, or set up a tour and ask for a free day pass so you can try out their equipment, classes, and other amenities firsthand. But before you spend so much time on figuring out which one is right for you and which one provides what you need, take some time to find the key criteria you should consider before you...

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How Exercise Can Change Your DNA 

You can thank your DNA for lots of things: the color of your eyes, your cute dimples in the cheeks, your beautiful curly hair . . . But could you ever guess this: Exercise can change your DNA with a few minutes of exercise. It’s well known that working out can lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. But you must be asking yourself how a run or a bike ride can change your DNA? Well, it seems like the benefits of working out go far beyond what we have known previously, extending all the way to possible...

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How to Know When It’s Time to Replace Your Activewear ASAP

As hard as it is to part with your favorite workout leggings or some other piece of activewear you’re obsessed with, it's just not designed to last forever and it is subject to its own seasonality and life cycle. Of course there’s a nostalgia that comes with some of the gym pieces in your wardrobe, but there are some parts of your fitness gear that need regular updating, and believe it or not — ignoring that loosening thread could actually be damaging your health. If you want to get the best results from your activewear — and stay safe, you...

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Who Says You Can’t Lose Weight with Home Workouts?

Try This Brutal HIIT Workout to Nuke 150 Calories in 15 Mins HIIT or high-intensity interval training has gained cult status over the last few years because of its efficiency in burning calories rapidly. The HIIT workout we are explaining today doesn’t need any equipment. You can easily perform it in the comfort of your home. Perform it first thing in the morning for best results. You’ll be performing a Tabata style HIIT workout, i.e 20 seconds of activity followed by 10 seconds of rest. Don’t sit during the rest intervals as it can lead to cramps. The whole idea...

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