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    Best Foods to Detoxify the Body

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    Best Foods to Detoxify the Body

    Cleanse Yourself From Within

    Detoxing your body once in a while is a healthy practice but you don’t necessarily have to go on a cleanse diet for that. Here are some foods that you can add to your diet that would protect your liver and help flush toxins out of your body.


    • Artichokes –

    Artichokes increases production of bile and are loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and fibers. It helps lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, prevents inflammation and protects heart health.


    • Basil –

    Basil helps in metabolic breakdown and helps eliminate chemicals from the blood. You can add this to your soups, salads and even pizza for a refreshing after-taste.


    • Cilantro –

    These herbs help in expelling unwanted toxins from the body. It helps mobilize mercury out of the tissue so that this mercury gets attached to substances that have to be excreted from the body.


    • Fennel –

    It protects your liver and energizes your body. Fennels are high in calcium and help maintain bone health. These also help in lowering the blood pressure and improve the health of the skin.


    • Kale –

    Kale provides great benefits for the entire detoxification system. It is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fats. Add this leafy green to your salad and your detox food is ready.


    • Lemon –

    These help convert toxins into water-soluble forms that easily get excreted from the body flushing out all unwanted substance from the body. Begin your morning with a cup of warm lemon water and you’re all set.

    Detoxification is an important routine to add to your wellness regimen. Also check out this post that lists out potassium rich foods.

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    Thank you for this, good stuff

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